We Need Addresses or Contact Information. We've been unable to contact the following members and would appreciate any information you might have. Please call or email the church office or Nancy Speers if you have any information. Autumn Bennett, Sharla Lacey, Stephanie Drake, Laramie Lindsay, Susan Griffin, Maedell Long, Tommy Hudson, Johnny Olson.

Monday, May 29
**Office Closed**

(Note: Events are subject to change, please contact the church office for schedule changes.)
9:20 am, Sunday School
10:30 am, Morning Worship
10:00 am, Staff Meeting
5:30 pm, Al-Anon Meeting
- 8:00 am, Prayer Time - FLC (8-8:30)
- 9:00 am, Senior Fellowship
- 12:00 pm, High School Lunch
- 4:30 pm, Women's Emmaus Reunion Group
- Middle School, 5:30-6:00 pm - lesson
6:00-6:30 pm - dinner
6:30-7:00 pm -hang out time, Family Life Center - High School Youth, 6:00-6:30 pm - dinner
6:30-7:00 pm - lesson - 6:15 pm, Bell Choir Practice
- 7:00 pm, Choir Practice
12:00 pm, Al-Anon Meeting
The office closes at noon
Al-Anon Support
Troubled by someone's drinking? Al-Anon is here to help.
We meet Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. and Thursdays at 12:00 p.m. in the Steen House.
Call Rhonda at 648-3101 for more information.
Love to sing?
This is an open invitation to anyone who loves to sing. We have a place for you to use your love of singing, and that's in the choir! You don't have to read music, just love to sing. It would be a great time to come and join us. Our rehearsal time is at 7:00 pm every Wednesday in the sanctuary. Hope to see you there!
Senior Fellowship - Looking for people who enjoy fellowship and food!
We meet on Wednesdays in the Fellowship Hall at 9:00 am and play dominoes or canasta - no experience necessary. We will teach you the basics of these games. Following a short devotional, we enjoy a meal together. This is a nondenominational group and all are welcome.

Praise and Worship, 9:00 am - 9:20 am Goldthwaite Health & Rehab
Sunday School, 9:30 am - 10:15 am Upstairs
Morning Worship, 10:30 am Sunday Sanctuary
Middle School, 5:30 - 6:00 pm - lesson
6:00 - 6:30 pm - dinner
6:30 - 7:00 pm -hang out time, Family Life Center
High School Youth, 6:00 - 6:30 pm - dinner
6:30 - 7:00 pm - lesson
Visit our Ignite Youth Ministries page.

Dear Church Family,
We have volunteered for our local jail ministry in the past and have been asked if we would cover this July & August. This ministry is still every Tuesday. The women meet from 6 - 7 pm and the men meet from 8 - 9 pm. We need at least 2 women and 2 men for each session. A few have already volunteered to help and we need a few more. I will gladly answer your questions and/or meet with you to offer guidance in this needed ministry.
Cindy Lester
512 994-5997
Mills County Jail Ministry Volunteer Guidelines
Thank you for giving life to Matthew 25:36. The following guidelines are meant to promote a safe & peaceful environment for facilitators and offenders during your bible study time.
- Volunteers shall be respectful of the needs and requirements of the Mills County Jail as per our liaison Brother Stewart Farrell. Stewart is also the jail's Chaplain.
- Bible study activities shall be consistent with sound correctional practices for security & orderly operations. All bible study materials are subject to search at each entry to ensure safety. Security always takes precedence.
- Volunteers shall not form a non-professional, personal, or emotional relationship with an offender.
- Volunteers may correspond with an offender if approved by Mills County Jail.
- Correspondence shall not include or:
- Reference personal information such as personal photos, personal relationships, or personal finances.
- Legal and/financial advice.
- Anything that is sexual in nature.
- Reference to other offenders.
- Reference to or include contraband. Contraband is anything not allowed by the jail.
- Reference to actions that are inappropriate, such as soliciting money.
- Volunteers must use the postal box address of the church they represent as their return address.
- Volunteers shall not give or receive anything from an offender. This includes but is not limited to letters &/or messages (written or verbal) to anyone. As per the jail & Bro. Farrell - Bibles are a gift exception. The Christmas Holidays are also an exception & small gifts are allowed for bible study offenders.
- Cell phones, purses, wallets & pocket knives are not allowed in the jail. You may take your vehicle keys, photo id & approved bible study materials into the jail.
- Volunteers shall dress in a conservative and responsible manner.
- Volunteers shall immediately report an injury to the jail staff on duty.
- Volunteers may not visit offenders during regular visitation unless requested by jail staff.

Help Feed the Hungry
Did you know that during deer season the Evangelism Food Pantry uses donated deer meat to feed over 100 families per month! There is usually enough meat donated to feed these families each month during the season plus one additional month. The Mills County Ministerial Association (MA) is inviting hunters to donate the deer that they harvest to feed the hungry.
The field-dressed deer may be brought to:
Wesley Head's Wild Game Processing
East Highway 84, Goldthwaite, TX 76844
Troubled by someone's drinking? Al-Anon is here to help.
Monday 11:00 a.m. - Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. - Thursdays at noon in the Steen House. Call Rhonda at 648-3101 for more information.
What Are Your Spiritual Gifts?
Are you interested in modern technology? Are you intrigued by new gadgets? Do you love working on computer programs? Then we've got a deal for you! The Technology Team is currently seeking volunteers to help run sound during church and on special occasions. You would not be responsible for running sound every week -- more on a rotating basis. The important thing is we get people trained so that when the holidays' hustle and bustle busy schedule rolls around, we will have plenty of help to call on if necessary. We will train you to run the soundboard, work on Pro Presenter 5 (the program that displays our slides used during worship services), and the video camera. If you are interested in any or all of these, please contact Laura Wilson at 325-451-4848 to discuss. We would love to have everybody's help!!!
We would like to welcome anyone interested to join our handbell choir.
No musical experience is required. We will teach you what you need to know.
There is something extremely satisfying about ringing, as a member of the choir you are a link in a beautiful musical chain. If you have questions or any interest please call Ginger Spies at 918-606-9203 or email gingerspies@gmail.com.

Happy Birthday
5/4, Connor Bartek
5/5, Maxine Childress, Ellen Lartey
5/10, Carsyn Campbell, Cutter Campbell
5/11, Jerry Priddy
5/17, Brandon Bartek
5/19, Steve Patrick
5/25, Jane Pickett
5/28, Owen Campbell
5/31, Heather Patrick
Happy Anniversary
5/14, Randall & Jan Leonhard
5/18, Jhenisa & Cody Stegemoller
5/20, Lynn & Kay Bouse, Steve & Shelly Patrick